Friday, January 18, 2008

Population Politics in Twentieth Century Europe

Population Politics in Twentieth Century Europe: Fascist Dictatorships and Liberal Democracies (Historical Connections)

Population Politics in Twentieth Century Europe: Fascist Dictatorships and Liberal Democracies (Historical Connections)

Population Politics in Twentieth Century Europe dymystifies the population policies of fascist regimes by looking at them in the wider context of how societies in general reacted to the profound economic changes brought by industrialization.

Until now, aspects of the subject -- racism and sexism in Nazi ideology, Eugenics in England, family allowance schemes and sterilization in France -- have been treated within a strictly national perspective. Maria Sophia Quine's broad, cross-cutting attack fills a major gap in the literature.

Population Politics in Twentieth Century Europe is an ambitious comparative approach which will command wide interest from political and social historians, sociologists and political scientists.

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